Expanding Your Happiness Day 21: Radiating Fulfillment


“Our true nature is bliss. That bliss is like the sun that always shines.”― Debra Moffitt

“Congratulations! What a blessing to have shared this three-week journey with you. As we complete our Meditation Experience, it is appropriate that we arrive at a state of fulfillment, feeling a sense of completion. During our time meditating together we have located the seeds of happiness deep within our spiritual self, we nurtured them in our minds and hearts, and then shared that happiness with the world. This journey fosters outer fulfillment, which in turn creates more inner happiness – so the cycle of joy becomes self-perpetuating, going on and on.

In our meditation today we will honor the expanding circle of happiness that we generate from our silent self, which effortlessly radiates to all the world.”

Today’s Centering Thought

“I walk in the light of my fulfillment.”

Sanskrit Mantra

“Purnamidam.” I feel fulfilled.

“Welcome, Our Dear Friends, our meditating tribe.  Today is Day 21, Radiating Fulfillment.  It’s hard to believe our happy journey is coming to a close.  Over the last three weeks we’ve made some time to connect with our innate sense of wonder and play, love and joy.  We slowed down, at least for these 20 minutes each day, going deeper, transforming that wonder, that play and love into purpose, contentment, kindness, gratitude, passion.  We’ve tapped into the energy that allows us to be in harmony with the energy of source.  Yes, we have.  With each meditation, we have expanded our connection to the wholeness of the universe…the captial “C” of contentment…the source of true happiness…that place which is a constant wellspring of effortless fulfillment and satisfaction.  Take that in, My Friends.  This is what you did for you these past three weeks.  In this journey, we’ve arrived home where we know, to our core, that we have all we need.  It starts within. Now that is the ultimate happiness and Deepak and I are so glad to arrive at this place with you.  Let’s really enjoy this last meditation together and feel blessed for the happiness we shall share in the world and continue to expand for ourselves.” ~Oprah

Today’s Notes

Purna indicates the fullness or entirety of creation. It is a fullness that means Nature is inexhaustible no matter how much it gives or creates. The mantra Purnamidam reveals that this fullness of Nature exists within our essence. We are that same wholeness of Being.

“Radiating fulfillment is the final stage of the expansion of your happiness.  It happens all by itself once you have the self recognition that there is nothing else you need to seek.  You have arrived home after your journey.  Yet the spiritual path unfolds a strange journey because you don’t travel any distance.  You  end up where you started, with yourself.  But the self you knew at the start isn’t the self you know at the end.  Yourself at the end is fulfilled.  It has learned that life requires no struggle, fear or resistance.  You only need to Be.

I like the simplicity of the following saying, ‘To become enlightened, you stop running all the time and begin to walk. Once you’re walking, you slow down and stop.  Once you stop, you see who you really are’.

The whole journey, then, is a process of relaxing and letting go.  There’s nothing to study, memorize, learn or live up to. There is only experience.  To the experience of the true self, even for a moment, switches on that feeling of Aha.  So this is what I’ve been looking for.  Put into words, the separate self has been looking for a home.  Fragments have been looking for wholeness.  Anxiety has been looking for peace.  An emptiness inside has been looking for fulfillment.  All of these are found in the self.  This is the ultimate spiritual secret, repeated for thousands of years in every wisdom tradition.

The journey we’ve been on together doesn’t cover distance and also takes no time.  Every meditation brings you home. Every dive within meets your true self.  The only difference between you and an enlightened master is the expansion of this experience.  The Vedics compare it to a candle sitting in the sun.  The sun’s blinding light makes the candle flame invisible.  Yet, without a doubt, both emit light.  In spiritual terms, it’s the same light and now it shines from you, dispelling the darkness around you.  To know that you walk in the light, that you are the light – this is the greatest fulfillment.

As we prepare to meditate together, let’s take a moment to consider our centering thought.  I walk in the light of my fulfillment.

Now, let’s prepare for our meditation.  Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.  Become aware of your breath and just breathe slowly and deeply.  With each breath, allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.  Gently introduce the manta, Purnamidam.  This mantra affirms that we are full and complete within ourselves.  Repeat it silently to yourself. With each repetition, feel your body, mind and spirit open and receive just a little more. Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises or physical sensations, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra. Please continue with your meditation for about 10 minutes. When you feel ready, open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, contemplate the centering thought, I walk in the light of my fulfillment.  I walk in the light of my fulfillment.

My Thoughts & Experience


Flexible. Clean. Wet. Soapy. (In shower)
Relieved. Anxious. Ready.
Awake. Open-hearted. Spirited.

Today, I did this second to last day (Oh yes, there is always an extra bonus Day 22!), in the shower. As the water ran down my skin, from crown to toes, I repeated the mantra.

My mind was brought to what Deepak said about having the same light as an enlightened master. Even if I am only just a candle, my light is still there and the same in the sunlight.

I was shown that even though I keep feeling that I am not yet ready, that I am. I have all the tools necessary. Sure there will be more books to read, and more experiences to have; but I need to stop doubting myself. I need to stop comparing myself to the masters and just be a master. Because I may be a candle, and a master may be the sun, but even the sun is one out of many that make up the light of the galaxy, and the lights of all the galaxies make up the light in our Universe. Internally, we too may be a spiritual candle, but our own cells give off light and charge. It goes in both directions.

We have galaxies and starlight within us.

We are fulfilled. At this very moment. What we think we do not yet possess. We already do. What we are is the peace. What we are is the joy. What we are is the serenity. What we are is the happiness. We ARE.

So walk your path of light my friends. Walk it, and make it work!


Photo courtesy of Hartwig HKD

Finding Your Flow Day 7: Finding Consciousness


Journal: Easter Sunday. 40° F. Sunny. Robins. Sparrows. Crown Chakra. सहस्रार. Sahasrara. A mountain symphony of “flowing water, chimes, and cello.” Beauty is all around us.
Centering thought: “My consciousness is universal consciousness.” | Mantra: Sahasrara Im “I am pure awareness.”

Today, we completed the first week of our meditation journey.

In the past seven days, we have connected to the core energies of who we really are. We have dispelled insecurity, awakened inner happiness, reclaimed our vital power, opened our hearts, spoken our truths, and seen our own wisdom.

As we align with these natural energy currents we open to a life flowing with peace, joy, and fulfillment. By tapping in, one-by-one, we have learned how to directly access our natural state of security, happiness, strength, passion, creativity, and wisdom. These qualities are always present—what you are experiencing this week is the power of your authentic self.

Today’s meditation focuses on Light. We are alive and pure embodiments of light.


The sun’s photons have traveled so very far to spark life here on Earth. It’s vibrations dance in every cell of our being. Electrical charges flare and flash and dance within our soul. The search for enlightenment has always been to look within. Strikes of genius simultaneously happening all over the world at the same time. Inventions. Discoveries. Pure poetry of universal consciousness. We truly are all connected on a deep deep level. Upon the waves of electromagnetic rainbows.

Light is around us and within us—it is our guide on the path toward self-realization. Light is what triggers us to wake every morning, allowing us to see . . . dissipating the darkness and shadows. As we open to the light within, we connect to the divine light that illuminates our soul, awakening us to our real Self, and the light that connects all things. We find that we are one light connected to all light, universal connection, and consciousness. As this energy is awakened, there is no more searching or striving. Experiencing yourself as infinite consciousness is the state of enlightenment.


Once we recognize ourselves as such, we can then see others as so too. We see the divine connection that we are all a part of. The divine connection that our species has with other species on the planet. Our connection to plants and animals, becomes truth. Our equal divinity and light shines through our arrogance. We can see the consciousness of all life on earth. In every living thing, regardless of human IQ. Human superiority over nature then becomes obsolete and a joke of the past. War becomes obsolete because we see that there is no difference, no driving factor to obliterate other’s ideology, because we see we all wish to be and share our love. Once we awaken, once we reach out for our true enlightened selves, we will make untold new discoveries as a species and look towards our evolution towards light. Towards love. Towards joy and safety and health.

Sahasrara Im. I am conscious. Sahasrara Im. I am love. Sahasrara Im. I am light.

“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back.”  —John O’Donohue

Creative Commons Photography courtesy of Jason Ahrns,  Pink Sherbert Photography, Dawn Ellner,

Day 9 – Miraculous Illumination

“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.” —Hafiz

Miraculous Illumination

Today our meditation focuses on the light within each of us. In many wisdom traditions, light represents spiritual awareness. It is a state of consciousness that illuminates darkness and allows us to see with the eyes of love and wisdom. As our awareness expands, what once seemed to be obstacles are now clearly opportunities. When we reach a state of pure awareness, we realize that there are no problems and therefore no need for solutions.

In our relationships, the expanding light of awareness allows us to share more love, compassion, laughter, and joy with everyone in our lives. As clarity dawns, we become light-hearted and stop taking ourselves so seriously. We let go of struggle and live in the flow of life.

Our centering thought for today is:

“My loving truth shines for all to see.”

Our Sanskrit mantra for today is:

“Yum.” Repeating “Yum” facilitates a deep connection to everyone in our life. It is connected to our heart chakra, Anahata. 


To cultivate the light of awareness, pay attention to the clues and evidence that miracles are unfolding in your life. Notice the unexpected opportunities that come your way, the flash of insight, a sudden feeling of peace or joy, a chance meeting, or a spontaneous creative experience. You may want to keep a list of daily miracles in your journal. Whatever we pay attention to expands in our experience, so as you focus your attention on miracles you will begin to notice more grace, happiness, and love flowing into every aspect of your life, including your relationships. – Deepak & Oprah

Light. In every spiritual philosophy there is a pursuit of light: enlightenment. To allow our inner light to shine brilliantly for all to see. A physical manifestation in the visual formation of beautiful shining light.

Mystics and spiritual teachers emanate this light, it is palpable. You can feel in in the core of your being. A brief encounter with such a person leaves you feeling loved, accepted, and seen.

How may we seekers gain to shine our own lights?

Through acceptance of what is. By showing gratitude. By being true to our high Selves. By embracing compassion and unconditional love.

By sharing this light with others, by sharing our love for humanity and the cosmos with all of those around us, we can be a beacon for change in our relationships and not just romantically, but also universally.

I barely touched the surface today when I was explaining my spiritual progress and goals. Is it ego? Partially perhaps, but not entirely because often those on this journey are not doing it for the ratings.

By having a pursuit, having that desire and passion is essential on our journeys. Without that drive to seek to help others, to be in service of others, to give aid whenever possible, to hold a person grieving, to hug a long lost friend.

This is how we share our light.

This is how we share our love.

Yum. Namaste. 

What is your spiritual goal?


When I was 10 years old, I wanted to be a priest, but only because I felt it was the only way to save myself from damnation.

Then, when I turned 13, I began my quest for enlightenment, because I knew I was worthy and felt I would be able to help others along the way.

Since then, I have become an Ordained Minister and Spiritual Shaman.

I have studied Shinto, Taoism, Kabbalah, Buddhism, specifically the concept of bodhisattvas.

I have studied the Ancients: Native American, Egyptian, Sumerian, Indus-Valley, Mayan, Aztec, Inca, Nazca, Olmec, Celtic, Druidic.

I have studied philosophy and other seekers: Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Hypatia, Leonardo da Vinci, Margaret Cavendish, Bertrande Russell, Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Oscar Wilde, John Keats, Theophile Gautier, Voltaire, Shakespeare, Newton, Albert Einstein.

New Age esoterics has changed within me, from when I was a little Wiccan studying Silver Ravenwolf, Scott Cunningham, Raymond Buckland, and any Element Encyclopedia I could get my hands on; to now, 13 years later.

The New Age world is a hard place to maneuver, especially when you are young with limited resources.

It seems now, that I can freely communicate with my higher Self on a heart-to-heart level. I find it easier and more meaningful to glean enlightenment by listening to those whispers on the wind, instead of reading semantics and ritual. Please, do not misinterpret, I am thankful for my young enthusiasm, but as we age and mature, so does our bookshelf. It doesn’t mean we invalidate those dustier covers. If anything, we smile deeply to ourselves, to our youth, as we dust them off periodically.

Now that I am fast approaching 26, my bookshelf has gotten quite extensive. (Ask any of my friends who have continuously helped me pack and unpack load after load of books.) Now, my nightstand honours Ted Andrews, Caitlin Matthews, Jon Kabat-Zin, Thich Nhat Hanh, Angeles Arrien, Sandra Ingerman, Jeanne Achterberg, Elson M. Haas, Starhawk, Deepak Chopra, Joanna Powell Colbert, and the uncensored writings of Samuel Clemens.

I guess you could say that my spiritual goal is still to gain a sense of enlightenment, but I am much more concerned with allowing it to happen naturally with time. I simply wish to live a spiritual life close to nature and filled with love.  To meditate, and to live a life worth living. To be a source for others to come to for guidance and friendship. Because I will be the first to admit, I am no saint. I am no better than any one else who lives in a world where life is a constant battle between what is right and wrong. I just chose to follow the temptations of my spirit: love, partnership, friendship, nature, embracing wildness, Reiki, honesty, kindness to all creatures, tea, chocolate, moon-light and sunlight, hearth-fires, community, meditation, wine, and of course: laughter.

Those are my spiritual goals.

What are yours?


Solar question posed by Caitlin Matthews, Celtic Devotional. 

Full moon day of flowers


Swanya Punhi, the full moon day of flowers, marks not only Siddhartha Guatama’s birthday, but also of the Buddha’s Enlightenment, death and Rebirth (Parinirvana).

Parinirvana is not something to weep over, it is the last beautiful and deeply spiritual act a person can accomplish on the path to enlightenment. It occurs upon the death of the physical body when it reaches awakening.

It is celebrated at different dates and times due to local custom, but for me, I like to celebrate it in conjunction with the Full Moon of Fifth Month, which is also custom in Nepal and Tibet.

Also known as Vesak, Buddha’s birthday is a holy day that encompasses all of life: its beginning, its achievements, and its inevitable end, which leads to more life.

On this day, it is custom to assemble in temples before dawn for the ceremonial hoisting of the Buddhist flag and the singing of hymns in praise of the holy triple gem: The Buddha, his Teachings (Dharma,) and his Disciples (Sangha.) You may bring simple offerings of flowers, candles and joss-stick incense. These symbolic offerings are “to remind followers that just as the beautiful flowers would wither away after a short while and the candles and joss-sticks would soon burn out, so too is life subject to decay and destruction.” -Wikipedia.

It is also custom to have a small statue of the baby Buddha in a bowl of scented water, and decorated with flowers. Then, as is the ritual, you pour water over the statue, symbolic of the cleansing of your bad karma, and to reenact when devas and spirits made heavenly offerings to him after his birth.

Devout Buddhists who celebrate try to lead a noble life according to the teachings of the Five Precepts. However, on special days like new moon and full moon days, they observe the eight Precepts to practice morality, simplicity and humility. Granted, these precepts are not like traditional commandments. They are designed as teaching recommendations, and to be used with tact and thought and are applied to the best of one’s ability at at your own discretion. Some seem a bit outdated as the times have changed. Even Thich Nhat Hanh has condensed them down and interpreted them into his 5 Mindfulness Trainings. However, if you were a monk, you would not only follow these precepts but up to about 227. Talk about dedication!

The Precepts:

I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from …

  1. …harming living beings.
  2. …taking things not freely given.
  3. …sexual misconduct.
  4. …false speech.
  5. …intoxicating drinks and drugs causing heedlessness.
  6. …taking untimely meals.
  7. …dancing, singing, music and watching grotesque mime.
  8. …use of garlands, perfumes and personal adornment.
  9. …use of high seats.
  10. …accepting gold or silver.

(adapted from The Word of the Buddha, Niyamatolika, The Buddhist Publication Society, 1971, p xii)

Celebrating Vesākha also means making special efforts to bring happiness to the unfortunate like the aged, the handicapped and the sick. To this day, Buddhists will distribute gifts in cash and kind to various charitable homes throughout the country. Vesākha is also a time for great joy and happiness, expressed not by pandering to one’s appetites but by concentrating on useful activities such as decorating and illuminating temples, painting and creating exquisite scenes from the life of the Buddha for public dissemination.

Tradition ascribes to the Buddha himself instruction on how to pay him homage. Just before he died, he saw his faithful attendant Ananda, weeping. The Buddha advised him not to weep, but to understand the universal law that all compounded things (including even his own body) must disintegrate. He advised everyone not to cry over the disintegration of the physical body but to regard his teachings (The Dhamma) as their teacher from then on, because only the Dhamma truth is eternal and not subject to the law of change. He also stressed that the way to pay homage to him was not merely by offering flowers, incense, and lights, but by truly and sincerely striving to follow his teachings. This is how Buddhists are expected to celebrate Vesak: to use the opportunity to reiterate their determination to lead noble lives, to develop their minds, to practise loving-kindness and to bring peace and harmony to humanity.