Liebster award 8.20.13

So, yesterday I was nominated my first blogging award: The Liebster.  Now, I have never really taken these things seriously, but it does not subtract from the beautiful intention behind them: to create a sense of blogosphere community. I was nominated by Christina Cole Romance.

Christina, thank-you for perusing my blog and nominating me along with your nine other selections. You have shown me true honour and respect, and I can only hope to continue the gesture.

Upon being nominated, I found that the Liebster — German for “favorite” — is “an award given to small blogs, those with less than 200 followers. It’s designed to encourage interaction and to promote discovery of new blogs.”

To accept a Liebster Award, you must do several things:

  1. Link back and recognize the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Answer ten questions given to you by the nominator.
  3. Nominate ten other bloggers for the award.
  4. Create ten questions for your nominees to answer.
  5. Notify my nominees.

My nominator has given me ten questions, and here are my answers. (Below are my questions for my nominees):

  1. What book has most influenced you in your life? —There are many books I could ascribe that influence, however, I would have to pick Good Life, Good Death: Tibetan Wisdom on Reincarnation by Rimpoche Nawang Gehlek. I first read it when I was 13 and it influenced the rest of my studies in theology, philosophy, and metaphysics. It was given to me by my high school history teacher who introduced me to Buddhism.
    Front Cover
  2. If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be? — I would change nothing. Sure, it would be good to change the things that have happened to me: abuse, assault, disownment, bullying, and the lack of confidence that resulted from this with hindsight, and correct some wrongs that I may have done myself; however to change those things would change the very being that I am now. Would you change the course of a wildfire if it would only allow seeds to grow?

  3. What is your favorite holiday and why? — The Full Moon in Midwinter. The Full Moon comes every month, and sometimes even twice. The holy day(s) of the Full Moon are always my favourite because it is something I look forward to each month in which I spend time having Midnight Tea with soul-friends and spending quiet romantic time with my lover. But the Full Moon in Midwinter, now that is a special Moon. It has all the feel and warmth of the Yuletide holidays, and snow is almost always blanketing the ground. But the greatest thing of all is that you needn’t worry about gifting or any other holiday stress. It is a time where you can give yourself and your loved ones peace of mind, heart, and body. Away from all the hustle and bustle of holiday madness. That is why I pick this particular Full Moon.
  4. Where would you most like to travel? — I have always wanted to travel the world outside of the USA. Cairo, Paris, London, Tibet, The Netherlands, but my heart sings out to the Peruvian Mountains of Machu Picchu.

  5. Does your car have a name? If so, what is it? — Yes, his name is Felix.

  6. Favorite pet? — In the course of my current 25 years on this earth I have had many pets: 2 dogs, 3 cats, countless fish, guinea pigs and hamsters. But my favourite pet would be Elizabeth, “Ellie”, my cat.

  7. What five words would your friends use to describe you? — Whimsical, compassionate, considerate, spiritual, romantic.

  8. What’s your favorite childhood memory? — Going to see my first mummy exhibit. 
  9. What was the last show you watched on television? — NCIS.

  10. Do you believe in ghosts? — Yes. 

My Nominees

Next, I’ll nominate ten other bloggers, all arranged in no particular order. My hope is that we can create a wider community and perhaps illicit some conversation back and forth! 🙂 My choices are:

Crafting the Wheel of the Year

Wolf-Beach Farms

Peace Love and Tomatoes

Sattva Holistic

Holism in Ancient Egypt & Greece

Sex Work Research

Screaming Gratitude

Joyful Cacophony

Do It With Love

Octopus Dance

Here are my ten questions for them:

  1. What drives your creative voice?
  2. What author, painter, mystic, and hero(ine) speaks to you?
  3. Who motivates you?
  4. What animal did you dream about last? When?
  5. Look in your closet, which colour is most present? What might this say about your personality?
  6. Do you take care of yourself mind, body, and soul? How?
  7. What was your last act of random kindness?
  8. Go to your bookshelf, what do you see?
  9. When I say “living holistically,” what does it mean to you?
  10. What is one of your goals in life? Are you working on achieving it? Why or why not?

My hope is that these questions will illicit conversation amongst all of us. Happy August everyone, and I wish you all much luck and happiness on your journeys!


Happy Year- 1 Anniversary!


Lately, I’ve been brainstorming. Anyone who knows me personally will know that this is either a really great thing, or a really bad thing. *Chuckles* I think it’s a pretty good thing, considering I will be expanding very shortly into the realm of workshoppes, retreats, etc. Excited? I hope so, because I AM!

So, what have I been wracking my brain with? Besides herb Genus and species, aromatherapy, shamanistic techniques for healing, and universal life-force energy? eCourses my friends, eCourses…

To think! One-year ago, I was a writhing pile of flesh on my living room floor, dashing affirmations on freshly splattered pages of water-colours… I’ve come a long, long way my friends. I have pulled myself up out of the abyss, gotten a new job, gained a few titles, and gotten back on the good-old school bandwagon. I’ve also become an Ordained Minister (did NOT see that one coming) and have several Holistic weddings, baptisms, and ceremonies booked for the summer months. I have several eCourse ideas strewn about my desktop, and have several wonderful projects in the making. I have come up with a long list of basic FREE eCourses I’ve wanted to share, and the list is as I said, pretty extensive. Not too long ago I began with my Holism eCourse. Now, here is a run down of some of the ideas soon to come to life:

1. What is Holism?

2. How to Live a Holistic Lifestyle?

3. How to make your own Holistic Toolkit?

4. Holistic Eating

5. Holistic Beauty

6. Holistic Sex

7. Holistic Spirituality

8. Holistic Intuition

9. What is a Holistic Health Practitioner?

10. How to start your own Holistic Business?

Complete Health is all about this weird concept that we are more than the summation of our symptoms. I sincerely hope you will be able to, through these free eCourses, take a hold of your own health and take care of yourself, fully. Mind, Body and Soul.
Blessings my friends, blessings…

Redesign & New Name

I woke up this morning with an idea. How am going to pitch my business, especially with such a long name?
So I did some Tarot Therapy as is customary with my daily devotions. I picked Temperance, the card of mixing, patience, and transformation.


So, with that as inspiration, I renamed my blog and registered it as my own private domain!

I’ve finally done it! My domain! It’s been on my bucket list… Stay tuned! 😉