How can you bring simplicity and shape to your muddle?


Sometimes, things need clarity.

Sometimes, things are far too confusing and untidy that our minds and spirits are left in quite a state.

Sometimes, the best way is to surrender and reshape what is troubling you.

Life is filled with transitions. There are many phases we go through. Times of good, and times of bad. Times that hurt, and others which make us laugh.

But that pain and hurt can be a challenge to get over. Those traumas beg to be understood and transformed. They beg to be heard and healed.

“I heed the inevitability of change and discover the gifts found un letting go.”- Joanna.

Sometimes, the simplest thing we can do though is seek understanding from your heart and move on. Migrate the mind from a place of adversity to one of calm acceptance.

Shit happens dear ones.

It is up to us to find the calm in the midst of the storm. After we have exhausted ourselves and our spirits to our limits, the best thing we can do is stop. Be quiet. Breathe. And listen to mindfulness. From there all things can be reduced to their simplest terms. From there we can reshape our path, and alter it as needed.


Solar question posed by Caitlin Matthews, Celtic Devotional.
Photo by Joanna Powell Colbert, creatrix of the Gaian Tarot.

What challenges are on the horizon?


Life is all about cycles.

To every beginning, there is an end, to which spawns a new beginning.

Life is about flow.

“Know that you are part of the great cycle of descent and return. Identify with the courage of the salmon, whose struggle benefits the whole ecosystem as well as the next generation of salmon. How are you willing to struggke to imprive the future for your family or community? Where in the cycle of loss, change, and increase do you find yourself at this time? Are you finding your way to your true home or your journey’s completion? Don’t be overwhelmed by emotions. Ask for the help you may need to return to a place of balance.”

Look to the horizon: is the sun setting, or is it a new day’s rise? Listen to the situation at hand, this could be a time for great potential, a time for great new beginnings. Take a good hard look and see what needs to be allowed to flow away so new growth can emerge.

Now is the challenge to reinvent, or to simply look yourself in the mirror and be honest with yourself. Be kind and be honest. Allow yourself the challenge to heal.

“I have given my best and can rest knowing that love will continue to flow.”- Joanna.

Solar question posed by Caitlin Matthews, Celtic Devotional.
Photo of the Ten of Water by Joanna Powell Colbert, creatrix of the Gaian Tarot.