Pinones Beach Labyrinths

In 2011, I made my very first immrama, or pilgrimage to foreign soil (outside of Canada (I grew up 5 minutes from the border)).

While there I played in the sand, climbed a castle, drank lots of Bacardi, swam in a bioluminescent bay and under a waterfall, guzzled lots of water, walked through my first rain forest, sipped lots of tea, and ventured in ancient caves.

Here are just some pictures of the labyrinths I built amongst the sand.

Such fond memories of the sun on my skin…

Pinones Poetry Labyrinth September 2011

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Pinones Peace Labyrinth #2 December 2011

jan 23 2011, san juan image 2 jan 23 2011, san juan image 3 jan 23 2011, san juan image 4 jan 23 2011, san juan image 5 jan 23 2011, san juan image 6 jan 23 2011, san juan image 7



Other Labyrinth Projects: