What areas of your life need hard or steady work right now?


Sunrise 6.06 am EST. Sunset 7:50 pm EST. Moonrise 6.40 pm EST. Moonset 4.22 am EST. 

I can feel the days are slowly getting shorter.

Just 19 days ago, the moon was rising before the sun. They danced together during the day; now, it seems the moon and sun are dancing their own steps. Today we only have day light f or 13 hours and 44 minutes. At the beginning of the month, it was 14 hours and 28 minutes.

We are definitely losing the light, which I guess is why the leaves are already beginning to change.

The season of Lammas has fully descended.

It is a time for heavy work to prepare for the cold months to come. I’ve said it before, it’s the first of three harvests, so the work is just beginning.

We still have the Mabon and Samhain seasonal harvests still to come.

So from now until the first snow (about 3 months) there is much to do.

We need to make fallow the gardens, can and preserve the food for the winter, stock up on supplies, clothes and fire wood. Not to mention, make preparations for the thanksgiving and gifting parties of Equinox, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Yule. So, yes, the next three months are going to be crazy busy. There are festivals to prepare for, workshoppe layouts to prepare for, more school projects to prepare for. Not to mention we cannot allow ourselves to be swept up and away with all of this work. We also need to take time for ourselves, and also time for our families so we do not grow dis-harmonous. All the better to do these things together and work on each other’s goals and to-do lists together as a team if possible.

All of this calls for hard and steady work.

Good luck my dears as you make your festive preparations. Remember to breathe and work at a safe pace. You can do it! We all can!

The divine in me honours and bows to the divine in you. Namasté. 

Solar question posed by Caitlin Matthews, Celtic Devotional.