An Artistic Pet Eulogy

pet eulogy

“Your silence
Your presence fulfilling…
although small,
You lead your loyal heart
to me.
I cherish more
Than what is understood.
You knew me
Like no other would
And never left my side.
Home will miss our unity.
I will miss your company.
my lovely
Lovely, lovely One.” -Artist Unknown

Lunar meditation: the companionship of animals.


Tonight, this meditation reminds me of Saint Francis of Assissi, patron saint of animals, birds, and pets.

An animal’s companionship is that of a close dear friend. A friend who may not be able to speak fluently your language, but speaks the universal language of the heart.

Where there may be silence between you, there is still yet a different kind of understanding.

An understanding of mutual loyalty and unconditional love. They walk life’s journey alongside us, until their very end.

Where we stride, they stroll with us.

Where we fly, their wings are heard near by.

Where we swim, their fins propel them foreward.

Ever watchful, ever present, ever there.

They seek to teach us, as they too learn.

You could not buy that type of devotion even if you tried.

Good night, sweet dreams.

Lunar meditation posed by Caitlin Matthews, Celtic Devotional.