Which ideas and structures have you outgrown?


We all go through changes in ideology as we grow.

Sometimes we outgrow social norms, or expectations placed upon us from society or our families.

There comes a time when we realize what no longer speaks to us, that which no longer holds our strongest convictions or our strongest interests.

Sometimes, we just need to strike out on our own and forge our own ideas and structures for living.

When you sit there and think to yourself and meditate on this question, which ones have you outgrown? Which relationships no longer hold strong? Which things in your life no longer hold true to your deepest aspirations? Which ideas and structures no longer serve your dignity nor vibrate with your heart? Are there people, places, or things that just don’t feel right any longer? And are you able to walk away from them with a smile?


Solar question prompted by Caitlin Matthews, Celtic Devotional

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