A Heart’s Blessing


Bless you my dear heart.
May you always guide me,
May you be a compass pointing towards Life’s Lessons.
May my choices be advised by your whispers.
May I always be strong enough to listen.
May you, my dear heart, let me live.
May you, my dear heart, let me cry.
May you, my dear heart, let me love,
And love still.
Bless you. Bless you. Bless,
My dear heart.

Love Letter Project 2014

creative commons love

Last year, a very good friend of mine, set out to distribute several hand-made valentines around town.

He carefully selected quotes and broke out the art supplies.

This year, I am working with him to make it into an even bigger project!

The plan is to mail or deliver Love Letters to all who wish to receive one. All you have to do is send a private message with your address via Facebook, or Email. (derek AT completehealthcircle DOT com)

Over the next two-four weeks we will be mailing letters we have written and will continue to send them off as soon as they are finished.

In my opinion, it is a little bit of happy that everyone deserves!

Everyone deserves a valentine. Everyone deserves to be told that they are loved and lovable.

Because it is the truth. There is a beauty in every person’s heart. Sometimes opening up to that beauty can be a challenge, but it remains there just the same.

See your own heart, in all its unique brilliance. This is your source of your creation. If you listen closely, you will always hear your heart’s inner voice. Don’t confuse this voice with the voice of ego, however. Within your heart, within your capacity to give and receive love is where we are at one with all other living things in the universe. And it is also where all healing begins.

creative commons envelopes

Each letter will be written in a way that is both inspirational and motivational. Each card will be a unique piece of artwork and prose.

Meditate and reflect on your card when you receive it and notice what, if any, heartstrings are pulled. These letters will be powerful tools for self-esteem, self-acceptance, and of course, unconditional love.

If you give yourself five to ten minutes a day just to focus on the concept of loving your Self, you will be able to attract even more love into your life, because a mere act of self indulgence and nurture releases a changed vibration. This I promise, your life will change. You will begin a conscious path of new beginnings and emotions in your life that will take you to places that you have always wanted to visit but couldn’t. You will become aware that there are wonderful people in this world, who are genuine. Who are kind. Who are sweet. Who are truly beautiful souls. You may experience great wholeness, but we must first start somewhere, and that sometime is today. You will also release issues that you have avoided facing, in your life, and by beginning this process, you will begin to created the things that you desire in your life.

Law of Attraction, it’s that simple. Like attracts like.

If we are lonely and seek only a codependent relationship, that is what pets are for. They offer great unconditional healing love. However, codependence has no place in a long-lasting and loving relationship.

By opening yourself up to this different concept of self-love, you will allow the love, truth, and courage within in you to come forward. All of this will begin to manifest and impact your day to day life. You’ll start to focus on the positives, rather than the negatives. You’ll create this bubble of self perpetuating desire and passion for life that will be inescapable. This is the essential process in healing. By opening up, and welcoming it with open arms, the healing energy, the Reiki, automatically flows through all of the dimensions of our creative energies and begin the healing process in ourselves and those around us, who will be more apt to open as well.

We’ve all felt it from someone before, that uncontrollable urge to be swept up in their arms, whether they were grandparents or a new lover. Love is visceral, and it can be felt for miles away. It is addicting this feeling of calm, relaxed, safe security. But how can we be sure which you are feeling, Lust? Or Love? You can tell, when you really open your heart to the matter and ask the necessary questions. It will always be honest. It will never lie. Yes or no questions are better left unasked: they are far too easy to manipulate when hormones are in the mix. But I will tell you this:

Every card, each letter, will be infused with creative unconditional Love.

When you open that envelope, you will feel oneness with creation, and your heart will swoon with undeniable Love, and Light, and Peace.


Why not welcome in some real mail for a change?

creative commons mailboxes

Here is a sample:

Beloved, from the moment I saw you,
I saw beyond the suit and tie.
I saw your smiling spirit, embracing mine.
I saw your shining heart, embracing mine…
And I saw your strong hand, embracing mine.
In that moment, I knew –
That I wanted to share my All with You.
You are the wind that whispers in my ear.
I am loved and lovable.
You are loved and lovable.
Together, we shall create
A more loving world.
– This I know in my deepest Deep.

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Photos courtesy of: schipul, camerabee, Sarabbit, sporkist, 

Mantle of Brighid


Lady of the well and flame, hear me.
Tender of the weak, revive me.
Midwife of the world, let me cry.

Poet of the silent tongue, speak to me.
Woman of the Wild, restore me.
Sister of the blood, let me live.

Champion of the land, protect me.
Healer of the Sacred, reach me.
Hammer of the just, let me rage.

Teacher of the Cunning Arts, inspire me.
Quiver of the Fiery Arrow, strike me.
Mother of the worthy, let me love.

Beneath your blanket, comfort me.
And guide me through the Deep.

In Search of The Wild One


I stand tall at the mouth of discovery, my stomach growls and my mouth waters.
My bare feet touch the earth below and I know I am not that far away.
I have hunted for the wild since birth,
Born from a snow storm, and unloved by a father.
A mere puppet for a mother to play house,
My heart always knew the wild.

As I grew, the wild retreated into the darkness,
And only visited me in my dreams.
La Loba howled at me from the corner of my room,
“Remember,” was whispered as she chewed her bones.
Terror in the night fueled me, kept my spirit aware
Of the predator in the next room over.

Wolf was my companion,
He taught me how to act weak while still alive.
And helped me hide the bruises and find the secret language.
He taught me how to be quiet while tears and snot dripped from my chin.
And helped me hide the voices and find the secret medicine.
He was my companion.

So I stand here at the foot of the cave, face painted with blood.
I venture ever onward towards that sound from the corner of the grotto,
“Remember!” it screams as shadows play with bones.
I hear it, a howl from within, a deep-dark beckons to speak its voice.
I am hungry and my tongue is thirsty, and there is no other way to go,
But onward and downward and upward and onward.

In search of the wild, The Wild One within.

When Santa Was a Woman


And so, all of the town was waiting
for Saint Nick.
Will she come to your home, I wonder,
is your soul sick?

Make your holiday wishes and
hope with all your might,
for she will grant you your one heart’s wish
this Christmas night.

Santa comes to everyone,
young and old,
all who have kindness and love
in their aura of gold.

Is spirit in you now and always,
is it so hard to conceive? 
I hope so, I hope so
on this night of Christmas Eve.

Prayers of Remembrance: “Tearing the Cloak in Two” by Caitlin Matthews


Photo courtesy of JimboJones2456 from youthedesigner.com

“Happy and young and gallant,
They saw their first-born go,
But not the strong limbs broken
And the beautiful men brought low.”
– Ewart Alan Mackintosh, “In Memoriam, Private D. Sutherland”

Within the last five generations, there has probably not been a family living that did not have some remembrance of war and conflict, some dead to mourn as a result of warfare. This day, November 11, has commemorated dead warriors, throughout the Western world, since the armistice of the First World War.

Those who serve in the defense of their families and countries – like the Gaulish soldier St. Martin of Tours, who tore his fine cloak in two to cloth the needy- tear the cloak of their lives in two, severing themselves from accustomed comfort and habitual kindness to enter a zone of pain and confrontation.

In our own age, where much of the warfare is against ignorance, heartlessness, and environmental devastation, new kinds of warriors learn the art of sacrifice with a different set of weapons. They seek to tear their lives in two to make a greater mantle in the defense of the poor, innocent, the needy.

We no longer glorify war as our ancestors did; the loss, grief, and bewilderment of families for their fallen have been too great in this century for such assuaging. We count the cost and bless the sacrifice of those who have had the courage to tear the cloak in two, knowing that they did not glory in the pain and bloodshed any more than we ourselves now do.

– The Celtic Spirit: Daily Meditations for the Turning Year by Caitlin Matthews

Prayers of Remembrance 

You left to help, you left to save.
You left to cry, and we to weep.
You left to honour, you left to fight.
You left to cry, and we to weep.

You went not to rape, not to torture.
You left to cry, and we to weep.
You went not to hate, not to spit.
You left to cry, and we to weep.

You traveled to defend the woods.
You traveled to defend the peace.
You traveled to defend the waters.
You traveled to defend the peace.

You left, and went, and traveled far. But-
You did not return.
You did not return as you left us. No-
You did not return as you left us. 

Now you do not cry, now we do not weep.
Instead we remember you, our warriors.
Now you do not cry, now we do not weep.
Our lovers, sisters, brothers, friends.

We remember you in our actions, our thoughts, and our deeds.
To honour your memory, to honour your love.
Now you do not cry, now we do not weep.
We remember you, and we love you.
And we will live on.

For those who have perished and been lost, on both sides of the front. For those who never had the thirst of blood upon their tongues. Who went, and who never wanted to kill, until they had to. For the healers, protesters, and peace makers who have also lost their lives in the process.

Today, make your own prayer of remembrance for those who have died in war and for those who are on the battlefield of conflict throughout the world today. 

My future clinic will look like… this!

hobbiton, new zealand

My dream is to have a clinic someday.

But not your typical clinic.

I want a place where you walk in and someone offers to take your coat whilst handing you a cup of tea.

Where Massage and Reiki is happening in the waiting room.

A clinic where the entire person is taken care of regardless of monetary availability.

Where science and technology meet tried and true folk remedies.

You know, that liminal place where magic can be found.


*Photo courtesy of Hobbiton, New Zealand